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Ahsay contains the latest features for a smart, secure, reliable, and fast backups.

Data security is protected using the latest technology:

Ahsay enables businesses to easily recover in the event of data loss due to hardware failure, disk failure, human error, data corruption, ransomware, or cyberattacks.  

Ahsay features comparison by version

Last modified date: 04 September 2023

Data Processing





Data Deduplication

(reduce storage usage & costs, lower network utilization, faster backup/restore performance)

Data Deduplication
(reduce storage usage & costs, lower network utilization, faster backup/restore performance)

Storage Management System

(Reduce size of redundent data blocks)

Storage Management System
(Reduce size of redundent data blocks)

Optimize data block size to 64MB for better performance

Optimize data block size to 64MB for better performance

Automatically remove backup set index files > 90 days old to reduce storage usage & costs

Automatically remove backup set index files > 90 days old to reduce storage usage & costs

Enhanced Space freeing Up / retention policy job up to 20% faster

Enhanced Space freeing Up / retention policy job up to 20% faster

Optimize data block size to 64MB for better performance

Optimize data block size to 64MB for better performance

Stream data directly to backup destination instead of temp folder for faster "incremental" file backups

Stream data directly to backup destination instead of temp folder for faster "incremental" file backups

Multipart transfer of data blocks and index files to AhsayCBS backup destination

(Improves reliability of backups on very slow or unstable networks)

Multipart transfer of data blocks and index files to AhsayCBS backup destination
(Improves reliability of backups on very slow or unstable networks)

New Compression Type: Fast with optimization for local

(Very Fast compression with low CPU usage)

New Compression Type: Fast with optimization for local
(Very Fast compression with low CPU usage)

Immutable backup

Immutable backup

Data Integrity





Post Backup Data Validation Check

(Ensures the number and size of data blocks saved in the backup destination is identical to the data blocks transferred during backup) 

Post Backup Data Validation Check
(Ensures the number and size of data blocks saved in the backup destination is identical to the data blocks transferred during backup) 

Periodic Data Integrity Check

(Runs weekly to check the data integrity of the backup data)

Periodic Data Integrity Check
(Runs weekly to check the data integrity of the backup data)

Recycle bin for data block file level protection

(data blocks removed by Retention Policy or DIC can be moved to Recycle Bin for XXX days before permanent deletion)

Recycle bin for data block file level protection
(data blocks removed by Retention Policy or DIC can be moved to Recycle Bin for XXX days before permanent deletion)

Restore Drill

Restore Drill






Protection against Log4j vulnerability 

Protection against Log4j vulnerability 

Protection against jQuery UI XSS vulnerability

Protection against jQuery UI XSS vulnerability

Option for AhsayCBS Administrator to setup 2FA for backup users using device impersonation

Option for AhsayCBS Administrator to setup 2FA for backup users using device impersonation

Ahsay Mobile secure 2FA tool for Android and iOS (push notification and TOTP)

Ahsay Mobile secure 2FA tool for Android and iOS (push notification and TOTP)

2FA login for AhsayOBM/AhsayACB/AhsayCBS GUI environment

2FA login for AhsayOBM/AhsayACB/AhsayCBS GUI environment

2FA login for AhsayOBM on Linux / FreeBSD CLI environment

2FA login for AhsayOBM on Linux / FreeBSD CLI environment

2FA login for AhsayOBM on Synology NAS

2FA login for AhsayOBM on Synology NAS

2FA login for AhsayOBM on QNAP NAS

2FA login for AhsayOBM on QNAP NAS

Support third party TOTP app like Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator

Support third party TOTP app like Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator

Password age and complexity requirement for system and sub admin users

Password age and complexity requirement for system and sub admin users

Force change of "system" account password on first login to AhsayCBS

Force change of "system" account password on first login to AhsayCBS

Prevent Session Hijacking  

(Immediate termination of user session. If AhsayCBS detects current  IP address is different from the original IP address used to login)

Prevent Session Hijacking  

(Immediate termination of user session. If AhsayCBS detects current  IP address is different from the original IP address used to login)

Upgraded to Tomcat v8.5.87 for improved AhsayCBS security and performance

Upgraded to Tomcat v8.5.87 for improved AhsayCBS security and performance

Support TLS v1.2 strong cipher suites

Support TLS v1.2 strong cipher suites

Support perfect forward secrecy (PFS)

Support perfect forward secrecy (PFS)

Hide the "Save Password" option on AhsayOBM/AhsayACB UI 

Hide the "Save Password" option on AhsayOBM/AhsayACB UI 

Support OAuth 2.0 for AhsayCBS SMTP Server Settings

Support OAuth 2.0 for AhsayCBS SMTP Server Settings

AhsayCBS administrator can disable backup user login to AhsayCBS web console

AhsayCBS administrator can disable backup user login to AhsayCBS web console

Support forget password for sub admin accounts

Support forget password for sub admin accounts

Support for P7B format code sign of OBC Windows installers for multiple sub admins

Support for P7B format code sign of OBC Windows installers for multiple sub admins

Backup Server Optimization





Support up to 1000 concurrent agent based AhsayOBM/AhsayACB backup jobs

(subject to AhsayCBS server hardware and network performance)

Support up to 1000 concurrent agent based AhsayOBM/AhsayACB backup jobs
(subject to AhsayCBS server hardware and network performance)

Independent process for Microsoft 365/Cloud File agentless backup jobs to improve server stability

Independent process for Microsoft 365/Cloud File agentless backup jobs to improve server stability

Optimize memory usage per Microsoft 365/Cloud File agentless backup job

(default 1 GB Java memory)


Optimize memory usage per Microsoft 365/Cloud File agentless backup job
(default 1 GB Java memory)

Support more concurrent agentless backup jobs per backup server

Support more concurrent agentless backup jobs per backup server

Generate AhsayOBM/AhsayACB installers for mulitple sub admin using a single button

Generate AhsayOBM/AhsayACB installers for mulitple sub admin using a single button

Centrally monitor AhsayOBM/AhsayACB installer build status all sub admins

Centrally monitor AhsayOBM/AhsayACB installer build status all sub admins

Enhanced Windows Active Directory Integration

(AD password changes are automatically synchronised toAhsayCBS user accounts)


Enhanced Windows Active Directory Integration
(AD password changes are automatically synchronised toAhsayCBS user accounts)

Microsoft 365









Personal SharePoint Site

Personal SharePoint Site

SharePoint Online

SharePoint Online

Support Microsoft 365 user account MFA settings

Support Microsoft 365 user account MFA settings

Support modern authentication

Support modern authentication

Support backup on AhsayOBM using Microsoft 365 personal user account

Support backup on AhsayOBM using Microsoft 365 personal user account

Public foldersPublic folders

Public folders

MS Teams

MS Teams

Archive mailbox

Archive mailbox

Group mailboxes

Group mailboxes

Preview contents of emails without restoring

Preview contents of emails without restoring

Preview of individual Personal Site document library items without restoring

Preview of individual Personal Site document library items without restoring

Preview of MS Team chat items without restoring

Preview of MS Team chat items without restoring

Restore Microsoft 365 items to OneDrive or Local destination as an archive file

Restore Microsoft 365 items to OneDrive or Local destination as an archive file

Quick Download" button  - to  restore to local destination; individual Outlook items, OneDrive files,SharePoint files, or  MS Team  chat files 

Quick Download" button  - to  restore to local destination; individual Outlook items, OneDrive files,SharePoint files, or  MS Team  chat files 

Restore Exchange Online mails as an Outlook PST file

Restore Exchange Online mails as an Outlook PST file

Restore MS Teams chats and channels as a HTML file

Restore MS Teams chats and channels as a HTML file

Restore SharePoint Sites as CSV format file

Restore SharePoint Sites as CSV format file

Restore attachments from emails separately

Restore attachments from emails separately

Restore  files from MS Team Chat separately

Restore  files from MS Team Chat separately

Select users for backup according to security group

Select users for backup according to security group

Fast and efficient  backup source selection using search function

Fast and efficient  backup source selection using search function

Sort user accounts by alphabetical order or user group in backup source selection

Sort user accounts by alphabetical order or user group in backup source selection

Support quick search function in Restore File Explorer for Outlook, SharePoint, and MS Teams items

Support quick search function in Restore File Explorer for Outlook, SharePoint, and MS Teams items

Easily locate items to restore using date range filter 

Easily locate items to restore using date range filter 

Option to backup entire Microsoft 365 tenant or just one user account

Option to backup entire Microsoft 365 tenant or just one user account

Option exclude unlicensed users from backup set

Option exclude unlicensed users from backup set

Backup Source filter to exclude Microsost 365 items

Backup Source filter to exclude Microsost 365 items

Support Microsoft 365 China Region

Support Microsoft 365 China Region

Support search function on AhsayCBS web console for Microsoft 365 Restore

Support search function on AhsayCBS web console for Microsoft 365 Restore

Microsoft Hyper-V 





Support  Hyper-V 2022

Support  Hyper-V 2022

Application aware backup

(Runs weekly to check the data integrity of the backup data)

Application aware backup

Backup file size reduction

(exclude swap file and deleted data)

Backup file size reduction
(exclude swap file and deleted data)

VM Run Direct - power up guest VM in less than 1 minute

VM Run Direct - power up guest VM in less than 1 minute






Support VMware vCenter/ESXi v6.7

Support VMware vCenter/ESXi v6.7

Support VMware vCenter/ESXi v7

Support VMware vCenter/ESXi v7

Support VMware vCenter/ESXi v8

Support VMware vCenter/ESXi v8

Support VMware Workstation v16.1

Support VMware Workstation v16.1

Support VMware Workstation v16.2

Support VMware Workstation v16.2

Application aware backup

Application aware backup

Backup file size reduction

(exclude swap file and deleted data)

Backup file size reduction
(exclude swap file and deleted data)

VM Run Direct - power up guest VM in less than 1 minute

VM Run Direct - power up guest VM in less than 1 minute

Support VMware VDDK v7.0.2 API

Support VMware VDDK v7.0.2 API






MS Exchange Server 2019

MS Exchange Server 2019

MS SQL Server 2019

MS SQL Server 2019

MS SQL Server 2022

MS SQL Server 2022

Oracle 18c 

Oracle 18c 

Oracle 19c 

Oracle 19c 

Oracle 19c Standard Edition

Oracle 19c Standard Edition

MariaDB 10.0 - 10.7

MariaDB 10.0 - 10.7

MariaDB 10.8

MariaDB 10.8






Extra restore option "Make Copy"  for file backup set if file already exists in the restore destination 

Extra restore option "Make Copy"  for file backup set if file already exists in the restore destination 

Automatically compress and archive AhsayOBM/AhsayACB logs files > 1 years old to save disk space

Automatically compress and archive AhsayOBM/AhsayACB logs files > 1 years old to save disk space

Cloud File Backups -  support selecting the root folder on Cloud drive

Cloud File Backups -  support selecting the root folder on Cloud drive

Support files with duplicated name on Google Drive & Google Cloud Storage

Support files with duplicated name on Google Drive & Google Cloud Storage

AhsayOBM/AhsayACB pop up reminder when last backup job run  is more than xx days

AhsayOBM/AhsayACB pop up reminder when last backup job run  is more than xx days

Periodic backup schedule (every xx hours, xx minutes) onbWindows, Linux/FreeBSD, macOS, Synology NAS, and QNAP NAS

Periodic backup schedule (every xx hours, xx minutes) onbWindows, Linux/FreeBSD, macOS, Synology NAS, and QNAP NAS

Backup of network drives which are not already setup in Windows

Backup of network drives which are not already setup in Windows

Backup of multiple network drives with different login credentials

Backup of multiple network drives with different login credentials

Android and iOS mobile device backup 

(videos, photos, audio, and documents)

Android and iOS mobile device backup 
(videos, photos, audio, and documents)

Enhanced email backup report options

(customize the reports which are emailed i.e. only when there are errors or warning)

Enhanced email backup report options
(customize the reports which are emailed i.e. only when there are errors or warning)

Support enable/disable auto-update (AUA) for user accounts using API

Support enable/disable auto-update (AUA) for user accounts using API

Skip sending  daily user report (consolidated report) if there are no warnings/errors, backup/restores,settings changes for user account

Skip sending  daily user report (consolidated report) if there are no warnings/errors, backup/restores,settings changes for user account

Improved backup/restore performance for SFTP server destination

Improved backup/restore performance for SFTP server destination

Option to hide/show AhsayOBM/AhsayACB SystemTray icon on Windows

Option to hide/show AhsayOBM/AhsayACB SystemTray icon on Windows

Support Synology Intel Atom CE Series

Support Synology Intel Atom CE Series

Cloud Destinations





Microsoft Azure

(General purpose v1 and v2 storage account types)

Microsoft Azure
(General purpose v1 and v2 storage account types)



Wasabi new regions; US Central 1 (Texas), EU West 1 (London),AP Northeast 1 (Tokyo), AP Northeast 2 (Osaka)

Wasabi new regions; US Central 1 (Texas), EU West 1 (London),AP Northeast 1 (Tokyo), AP Northeast 2 (Osaka)

Wasabi new region; AP Southeast 2 (Sydney),  EU Central 2 (Frankfurt), AP Southeast 1 (Singapore)CA Central 1 (Toronto)

Wasabi new region; AP Southeast 2 (Sydney),  EU Central 2 (Frankfurt), AP Southeast 1 (Singapore)CA Central 1 (Toronto)

Backblaze B2

Backblaze B2

OpenStack (Keystone v3, TeampAuth v3)

OpenStack (Keystone v3, TeampAuth v3)

OpenStack Wallaby

OpenStack Wallaby

OpenStack Yoga

OpenStack Yoga

OpenStack Xenia

OpenStack Xenia

Dropbox OAuth 2.0 API Support 

Dropbox OAuth 2.0 API Support 

AWS Compatible Storage - Signature Version 4 support

AWS Compatible Storage - Signature Version 4 support

OneDrive for Business - Global and Germany region

OneDrive for Business - Global and Germany region

OneDrive for Business -  China region

OneDrive for Business -  China region

Google Cloud Storage new location- Tel Aviv

Google Cloud Storage new location- Tel Aviv

Google Drive - support for OAuth 2.0

Google Drive - support for OAuth 2.0

Operating Systems





Windows 11

Windows 11

Windows 2019

Windows 2019

Windows 2022

Windows 2022

macOS 11 (Big Sur)

macOS 11 (Big Sur)

macOS 12 (Monterey)

macOS 12 (Monterey)

macOS 13 (Ventura)

macOS 13 (Ventura)

CentOS 7

CentOS 7

CentOS 8

CentOS 8

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8

Debian 10

Debian 10

Debian 11

Debian 11

Rocky Linux 8.4

Rocky Linux 8.4

Ubuntu 22

Ubuntu 22

FreeBSD 12

FreeBSD 12

FreeBSD 13

FreeBSD 13

Synology DSM 7

Synology DSM 7

Synology DSM 7.1

Synology DSM 7.1

Synology DSM 7.2

Synology DSM 7.2







Frequently Asked Questions

Ahsay uses advanced data deduplication and compression technology to significantly reduce backup data storage and therefore storage costs. This also lowers network utilization and enables faster backup and restore performance.

Experience significant backup and storage costs savings now. Try it free!

Yes, Ahsay Mobile App is compatible with both Android and iOS devices.

You can download the Android and iOS app here.

Get extra phone storage without extra costs.

Ahsay Mobile app enables you to optimize your mobile phone storage for even more selfies, video, audio and document files. Download Ahsay Mobile App on your phone now. 

Yes, you can use your own storage based on your requirements. Ahsay supports popular cloud storage services such as Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Microsoft Azure, Wasabi, Backblaze etc.

Alternatively, you can use our Ahsay Drive storage which is powered by Microsoft Azure. Check out our pricing

If customers subscribe to an Ahsay Managed Backup-as-a-Service (AMBaaS), they are entitled to software updates free of charge. Ahsay will be automatically updated whenever the latest hotfix or version upgrades are available. You will never have to worry about missing any fixes, enhancements, features, or latest security patches that can make your backup software work even better.

You even get online support if you have any technical support questions.