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"Connection Timed Out" error when enabling AhsayCBS Replication

Article ID


Last Reviewed Date

Product Version

AhsayCBS: 9.1 and above

Operating System

All platforms


When enabling replication to another AhsayCBS server, the following error is shown on the AhsayCBS web console when saving the settings:

"Failed to mkdirs, path: settings, ( [RpsManager.list] Failed to list path: . Reason: Connection timed out: connect)"

Failed to mkdirs error when enabling AhsayCBS replication


This issue can occur if the hostname or IP address entered in the Host Name value is incorrect.

AhsayCBS replication settings


To resolve the issue, verify if the hostname or IP address of the AhsayCBS (Accepting Data) server or replication server is correct:

For installation on Windows:

  1. Open a web browser on the AhsayCBS backup server.
  2. Enter the hostname or IP address of the AhsayCBS (Accepting Data) server or replication server.
  3. If the hostname or IP address is correct, the AhsayCBS web console should be displayed.

For installation on Linux / Unix:

  1. Login to the AhsayCBS backup server using ssh as root.
  2. Use the 'ping' command such as 'ping ${hostname}' or 'ping ${IP_address}' to verify if it resolves correctly.