
This video provides instructions on how to utilize the RunSingleUserRebuild.do (with CheckCRC option enabled) to perform a Cyclic Redundancy Check for legacy backup sets created in version 6 for backup clients installed on operating systems with or without a Graphical User Interface, considering that the backup server has just been upgraded from version 6 to 9.

  1. Start the chosen third-party tool to test the API call.
  2. Ensure that the HTTP method is set to POST.
  3. Select the Body tab.
  4. Below the tab, select Raw.
  5. On the drop down menu at the far end of the field, select JSON.
  6. For the URL field, enter the following: https://yourCBShotname.example.com/obs/api/json/RunSingleUserRebuild.do where cbs_hostname is the hostname or IP address of your AhsayCBS server.
  7. For the String body, enter the following:
    • {







    • 'system' and 'system1' are the login credentials of an AhsayCBS admin account with Admin or API role
    • ‘keep’ is the login name of the correpsonding backup account
    • the 13-digit number refers to the ID of the backup set to be rebuilt
    • 'Y' to command CRC be enabled
  8. Click the Send button beside the URL.


To check on the progress of a CRC job:


  1. Login to the AhsayCBS console.
  2. Select Backup / Restore Logs.
  3. Select Activities Log.
  4. When the rebuild job is started, the following log entry can be found:
    • Example: RoutineJobInfo | Rebuild-acb [SingleUserRebuild] User='acb' Home='C:\Program Files\AhsayCBS\user\acb'
  5. When the rebuild job is started the following log entry can be found:
    • Example: RoutineJobInfo | Rebuild-acb [SingleBackup SetRebuild] Finished single backup set rebuld. User='acb' Owner=" Backup Set='default-backup-set-name-1(1716451390565)' DataSize(compressed)=O DataSize=0 DataFileNo=O RetentionSize(compressed)=0 RetentionSize=0 RetentionFlatio=0