
Please use the following steps on How to run a Data Integrity Check for backup data stored in backup destination?

The Data Integrity Check cannot fix or repair files that are already corrupted. It will only identify and remove any corrupted files from the backup destination(s), so these files can be re-uploaded again on the next backup job if they still exist on the backup source. However, any corrupted files removed from the Retention Area will not be re-uploaded and will no longer be restorable.

To perform a data integrity check, login to the AhsayACB / AhsayOBM user interface:

  1. Login to the AhsayOBM / AhsayACB user interface and select the Utilities tile.
  2. Select the corresponding backup set from the dropdown menu and then select the backup destination from the dropdown menu.
  3. Enable the Run Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) during data integrity check option to check on integrity of the files against the checksum file generated at the time of the backup job.
  4. Enable the Rebuild index option to rebuild possible malfunction index in the backup destination.
  5. Enable the Empty all files in recycle bin option to permanently delete the data blocks in the Recycle Bin.
  6. Then press the Start button to start the data integrity check.