
Please use the following steps on How to run a Data Integrity Check on Linux (CLI) machine?

The Data Integrity Check cannot fix or repair files that are already corrupted. It will only identify and remove any corrupted files from the backup destination(s), so these files can be re-uploaded again on the next backup job if they still exist on the backup source. However, any corrupted files removed from the Retention Area will not be re-uploaded and will no longer be restorable.

Data integrity check can be performed by running the RunDataIntegrityCheck.sh script file located in the installation bin folder.

By default, the Data Integrity script will:

  • Perform check for all backup sets
  • Perform check for all storage destinations
  • Perform check with Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) disabled

Assuming AhsayOBM is installed in the path /usr/local/obm:

  1. Login to the Linux machine using root account.
  2. Edit the RunDataIntegrityCheck.sh script with a text editor.
  3. Start the data integrity check by running the RunDataIntegrityCheck.sh script file.
    Note: In case a warning message is displayed, it can be safely ignored since the data integrity check is not affected by the warning.
  4. Integrity check logs can be found in the path /root/.obm/system/IntegrityCheck