
To learn how to make the Backup Server URL option visible in AhsayOBM / AhsayACB when you click "Show Advanced Option" in the login screen, follow the steps below.

To make visible on a specific client machine:

  1. Go to the installation directory and open the custom.xml file with a text editor.
  2. Look for hide-server-url="true" and change the value to "false".
  3. Save the file
  4. Restart AhsayOBM/AhsayACB.

To make visible for all users/achines:

  1. On AhsayCBS web console, go to System Settings > Basic > Administrative Access.
  2. Click pn the system user.
  3. Go to Rebrand Clients > Application Settings - AhsayOBM / Application Settings - AhsayACB and under GUI Feature, tick the Show backup server URL checkbox.
  4. Click OK then Save.
  5. Redownload and reinstall the client installer on the client machine.