The difference between cloud backup and cloud storage


We hear words associated with the cloud all the time, words like cloud backup and cloud storage. They are all the buzz and found everywhere, but what do they mean?

The shared goal of both solutions is to protect a user’s data and make life easier. The difference is that backup saves your data in case of loss or damage, and storage creates a gateway to access information from anywhere.

Cloud backup is essential to prevent data loss. Even with cloud storage, the possibility exists to lose your data due to end user error and ransomware attacks among others. With a cloud backup solution, a safe copy of your data is copied to a completely separate storage environment for an unlimited period of time. This allows you to effectively restore your data if you need to.

When targeting businesses in particular, things like enterprise management, unlimited users, and disaster recovery are vital when it comes to backup applications. In case of damage or loss, cloud backup will be able to recover the information instantly, with the most up-to-date version available.

Cloud backup and storage is two different things. Ahsay specializes in MSP backup solutions, we provide cloud storage (Ahsay Drive, powered by Microsoft Azure) and bring your own disk services customers. Customers are flexible to choose their preference storage for backing up unlimited devices/endpoints at multi-destinations. 

Who will benefit from a cloud backup solution?

For MSP partners, they are looking for secure, flexible and scalable backup solutions at minimum cost.  
For startups and business owners who constantly review business data and turn them to actionable insights to improve business.
For mobile workers, digital nomads and those who work remotely and using technology to perform their job.

The above segments do not need to take care of hardware and IT professional skill to backup their data. It is essential that you keep your files secure with a backup solution. Protect your data from ransomware and other malicious activities. Download Ahsay for free.