
Backing up data is a necessary task for every digital user to prevent data loss due to system crashes, accidental deletion, or hardware failure. However, managing backups is equally important to avoid outdated or redundant files. In this blog post, we will discuss how to manage backups effectively.

Step 1: Prioritize Your Data Based on Critical Level

Before you start backing up your data, you need to prioritize it based on its importance. You should identify the critical files that you cannot afford to lose, such as database, email, document, file and financial information. Once you have identified the essential data, you can create a backup plan that suits your needs. You can choose to back up the data manually or use a backup software like Ahsay that automates the process.

Step 2: Choose Your Backup Storage, Size and Location 

Choosing the right backup storage is crucial for managing your backup effectively. You can use external hard drives, USB drives, cloud storage, or network-attached storage (NAS) devices to store your backups. Each storage option has its advantages and disadvantages, so you should weigh your options carefully. External hard drives are affordable and provide reliable storage, but they can fail like any other hardware device. Cloud storage is convenient and accessible from anywhere, but it can also be costly if you have a large amount of data. Thus, make sure to do the first step to prioritize your data. Ahsay cloud backup comes with Ahsay Drive which is powered by Microsoft Azure. Price as lower as USD 1.5 per 100 GB. If you bring your own storage, file backup only cost USD0.5 per 100 GB. Package price based on your storage size. Support multi-destinations secure backup. Here is simple price comparison for your reference.

Step 3: Regularly Review and Upgrade Backup Software Versions

Regularly reviewing and updating your backup is essential to ensure that your data is up to date and relevant. You should regularly check your backup files to make sure they are complete and accessible. You should also update your backup plan regularly, especially if you have added new files or changed the location of your data. It is also recommended to run schedule backup, review data integrity report and keep backup software upgrade to make sure it works correctly. 

Managing your backup can seem overwhelming, but with the right strategy, it can be straightforward and effective. Prioritizing your data, choosing the right backup storage, size, location and regularly reviewing and updating your backup are essential steps to manage your backup successfully. With proper backup management, you can avoid data loss and have peace of mind knowing that your data is secure. If you still have struggle on backup, let’s live chat.